Neut: Film Score Mix

I came across this real nice mix by Neut. Seemless blends, excellent beat selection. Check it out.

“Here’s my new mixtape of instrumental hip hop, taken soley from 7″ and 10″ vinyl. I’ve gone with a soundtrack feel, using drum heavy tracks, and added some spoken word. The idea was to compile what are essentially modern library music tracks, quite short tracks, into a flowing coherant mix for late night listening or moody car trips… enjoy” - NEUT.

Film Score… mixed by neut.
1. sixtoo & norsola ‘homages part 1/two strikes beat’
2. stigg of the dump ‘pointing fingers instrumental’
3. meaty ogre ‘out the rubble’
4. odd nosdam ‘untitled 1’
5. odd nosdam ‘peso y direccion’
6. rashamon ‘windo loca’
7. sixtoo ‘body ache summer’
8. sixtoo ‘incedental 1’
9. mhe ‘007’
10.meaty ogre ‘engaged ring’
11.rehash ‘spring 1980’
12.colmar crew ‘reverse flames’
13.jel ‘diypartisan instrumental’
14.dextah ‘untitled number 541’
15.sixtoo ‘untitled’
16.meaty ogre ‘bell of the beast’
17.controller7 ‘reactionary’
18.six vicious ‘heavy handed’
19.meaty ogre ‘13th and wood’
20.chris craft ‘hooks is extra instrumental’
21.sixtoo ‘incedental 4’
22.sixtoo ‘incedental 5’
23.mhe ‘008’
24.hood ‘over the land over the sea’
25.sixtoo ‘incedental 2’
26.sketch ‘break even’
27.micky ritter ‘one eyed looking glass’ signify ‘buk out’
29.sixtoo ‘camino’
30.sixtoo ‘the bricklayers union’
31.king honey with sixtoo ‘olde peculiar/incidental 3’ moves ‘gold ring’




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